Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fun With 3ds Max

          During my Christmas break I'm going to be working on learning my way around Unity3d and 3ds Max. I've got some tutorials and books and I'm going to build a property foundation for both these tools. I jumped into 3ds Max today while studying from my Finals. I did the first first tutorial and then started to play around with the software building buildings. 3ds Max is really fun and easy to use. Check out my buildings after the jump. Also a video of my tutorial scene.

UPDATE 1 (12/9/12): Added Video for Building 2 and increased size of videos.
UPDATE 2: Added Better Quality Videos.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Something I Made In School: More And More! Dice Game

Welcome to a Seventies Game Show
PC Only Game

          This is an extra credit project I made in school last month. It's a simple dice game where the highest roll wins. And it's console based which means it actually has graphics! Also, it has a nice music player. This is a little more updated version than the one I turned in. I call it version, but I'm probably not going to updated more than this release. The name is reference to one of Roses' moves of the same from The Legend of the Dragoon. You can download it below.
